Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I tried and tried to post yesterday, but had trouble w/my connection...cyberspace!!

My newest release, DECEPTIVE CLARITY, is now up at Authors Promoting Authors: -

This group is doing a great job of promoting writers with a somewhat unusual concept. As each new post is made, that author is asked to put the previous author on his blog. In this case, I urge you to check out Ryan Sherwood's REVENANTS: FALLEN SAVIOR at:

I want to congratulate all the authors who did so well on the Preditors & Editors Poll recently. My publisher, L&L Dreamspell, came in as No. 2 in the anthology category and their submitted authors scored nicely.

NEW EVENT COMING UP FOR THE FINAL TWIST WRITERS. Some of this organization's authors are participating in the Texas Library Conference, March 31 - April 3, 2009, at George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas. We will be in Booth #1744, Made-up Mayhem, and invite all to join us for this great event.

Closing for now...good reading and good writing!

Betty Gordon

Saturday, January 10, 2009

New release

I'm celebrating my new release, DECEPTIVE CLARITY, which I hope will be good reading for all of you. I posted a book trailer on my website, click 'view full screen' and you'll get an idea what it's all about. In the meantime, here's a little info: -

International intrique is set in motion when an importer/exporter of Egyptian antiquities goes missing.
Lisa Martin, a gutsy P.I., along with a sexy investigator and shrewd journalist, get entangled in a journey filled with suspicious characters and death threats - a journey that radiates from Houston to Cairo, Rome and London. They soon discover there's much more to this antiquity dealer than Egyptian relics.
A maze of deception, danger, and suspense sprinkled with spicy romance is deftly woven into the fabric of DECEPTIVE CLARITY.

It's available with the usual suspects...Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. See website for additional details.

January is starting off with a bang. Time passes too fast. I used to hear my mother say this happened as you got older and she was right. I need to slow down the years so I can get everything done I want to.

I didn't mean to make this post about me, me, me, but right now promoting the new book is taking most of my time. I did, however, post to the Clarity of Night contest and am working on a new story for L&L Dreamspell's new anthology. Final conclusion, I need a publicist.

Bye for now and good writing to all.

Betty Gordon