Monday, October 6, 2008

Anthology Launch, Oct. 10th, Katy Budget Books

The Final Twist Society eagerly awaits our second anthology launch, "A Death in Texas" at Katy Budget Books, 2450 Fry Rd., Katy, Texas, October 10th, 5 - 8 pm. Sixteen authors and fifteen murders lay in wait at the bookstore. The stories are loaded with humor and suspense and promise to give your detective skills a workout.

The road to this event has been disturbed by Hurricane Ike, but that old guy can't get the best of our writers. We are getting back to normal and look forward to anyone in the Houston/Katy area joining us on the 10th of October.

We have an interesting group of authors, aspiring writers, readers, librarians, reviewers, publicists, editors, and publishers from the Houston area. We meet once a month to promote reading, support our authors, generally inspire our members and end up having a great time.

Join us on the first Saturday of each month (except July and December), 10 am, Old Town Spring, at Earth's Spirits in Court deBelle, Old Town Spring

See you on the 10th of October and keep reading and writing.

Betty Gordon

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Left Brain/Right Brain

Half of today was supposed to be a blissful, creative day with pages of manuscript to show for it. However, nothing goes according to plan and after meeting with a claims adjuster re our property damage, thanks to Ike, all my plans went to H===! We had roof damage which I wasn't aware of and I've spent the rest of the day searching our files for a roofer we used about a year ago and arranging for my son to put a tarp over the damage tomorrow. You know the rest, I'm records and my husband has the receipt book in Oklahoma City.

My woes are nothing though when compared to those who lost their homes and precious items. So, I just have to pull myself up by the bootstraps, smile, have a glass of wine, and get on with life.

Good writing and reading to all.

Betty Gordon